Second weekly Devlog

So I settled on a name. Slum World. Can't say I have too much thought behind the name other than it sounds like a good description of the setting of the lore I'm planning for the game. When alien economics render human government basically useless, Moon settlements have been converted into domed open air prisons. After a failed raid to capture infant tree people, you make an escape to the only place left in the system free from the Stil. The colonizing alien race that made contact with humans in the year 2160.  While you don't know much about the Lunar slums, you know that the ticket out is more than you are likely to make in one lifetime. 

The Greater Lunar Homesteads started with a few domes for the Lunar workers with the human dream to extend beyond reach. It wasn't three decades after contact before Stil thruster technology made lunar spaceports obsolete. All major mining companies devested from lunar operations leaving a growing population of Human, Stil and other entities with few industries to support their population. The once thriving terraformed landscape is now an over-crowded city that not even advanced ancient society can keep tabs on. 

Now, in the year 2303, you find a shady life insurance agent with an average conscious recovery rate of sometimes %80. Navigate the slums and find new areas with new opportunity.  This world has seven main races broken into many different factions and orders all with their own strengths and weaknesses. The rest of the lore is in the works but I like to start with a nice bed of understanding. 

The way the game plays out is through sessions where you meet an end condition. I'm looking to extraction games. Trying to work out a way to end a run but without the extraction point.  Most extraction games have a type of safe room separate from the main maps with items and enemies. I would like a lot of features with progression style similar to collecting "parts" for a "computer" to make a "crypto mining rig" to gain passive income, I just want these productions to be part of the main world. This will take testing but where my head is at currently. 

This week has been mostly conceptual but I have plenty of basic features to implement. I have mostly busy on small things like basic weapon mechanics and floating damage markers. Next will be the ai and enemy movement and reacting. After completing the inventory and planting a few assets, I should be able to upload a pre-alpha build. 

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