Third weekly Devlog

Another weekly update for Slum World. This week has been mostly on organization and design. Boring stuff really. I guess that's kinda why I like these devlogs. Helps me focus on the long term goals. But even though It's been mostly boring stuff this week, I'm setting the foundation for future game features. Lets get into a few of them.

Working on the map, I have decided to go with a more handcrafted approach. I want to make some elements of the map random through runs. but for the most part, the map will be the same. I'm saying this as opposed to a randomly generated or procedurally generated maps as many survival or rouge games have. I think a more static map fits the theme of the game. One concern I usually have with permanent maps is the variety through playthroughs.  I hope to remedy this with large amounts of play space. The map should include points of interest and faction controlled areas. the territory you are in should have it's own feel. The first release of the game should have plenty of areas to explore but many more map expansions will follow in proceeding updates.

Added some sounds. So much, took over 3 hours to import. That might say more about my hardware than anything but none the less, I should have all the sound clips necessary for the game. I did opt to purchase audio assets. One interesting plugin that came with the audio bundle is a type of mixer for background music. It allows me to combine audio tracks and blend them to make a continuous background loop. Also the plugin will blend those tracks between different areas. This makes the background music dynamic and the type of music will be based on where the player is like a building or a territory change. 

Last thing I will talk about today is the crafting system. Various stations around the map can be accessed with a clearance or rank. The stations will have a complexity level and specialty(food, weapons, gear etc). Your character will either have a craftable item recipe unlocked completely or craftable items can be made with a single or multi-use order card. The card will have the material requirements and the clearance or rank level needed to craft the item, sometimes, even a cost. These cards can be obtained in many ways either from either a targets inventory to randomly found in boxes.  

Last Last thing is the currency. Slum World features an alien race with a piece of technology that ultimately ended all human currency. The Globoid is, glowing spheres that range in size from about a quarter to the size of a van. These Globoid or G have an associated currency with one to one exchange at fair rate. the currency is called Gc or Globoid Credits. These glowing balls can be kept on person with a container or stored in a bank. A Globoid is a battery that outputs constant electrical power for an almost indefinite amount of time. Can also be used to make illegal energy upgrades to weapons. 

I'm aiming for an end of August release for the pre-alpha build for free download. This one might look similar to the prototype but it will be a fresh new build. Check back for weekly devlogs for Slum World, that's all I got for this one. 

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